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Annapolis Powerboat School was founded in 1996 on the premise that the best way to learn was by doing, this approach has been successful for the nearly two thousand new power boaters during our first ten years Simply stated: our graduates will be competent and safe powerboat operators.

Training / Classes and more...

PO Box 3334, Annapolis, MD - 21403
Phone Numbers (800) 638-9192 - Fax (410) 268-3114


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                  Yacht & Boat Donation Program

Donate Your Boat
The IRS recognizes MMA as a public charitable organization; donations are fully tax deductible.
Purchase a Boat Proceeds from the sale of donated boats are invested in the education of Maritime Cadets.

Boat Sales, Boat Donations, Maritime Education, Marine Training, and more…

101 Academy Drive, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
Phone Number: (508) 830-5006
www.Maritime.edu / cfontaine@maritime.edu

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