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We are a women owned marine service and distributor company providing product and field service worldwide. We are distributors for ZF Mathers Engine Controls, Wesmar Bowthrusters & Stabilizers, Glendinning Products, Kobelt Engine & Steering Controls, Northern Lights Generators, Lugger Marine Engines, Marvair Air Cond., and much more!!

Accessories, Engines, Electrical, Electronics, AC / Heating and more...

6672 Columbia Park Drive South, Jacksonville, FL - 32258
Phone Number: (904) 260-9756

Please let them know you found them on www.BoatHelpers.com

USED & REBUILT Diesel ENGINES, Transmissions, Generators, Misc. Marine Equipment & South Florida's largest supply of Used Parts. Buying and selling Yachts and Yacht Salvage. We are an authorized Dealer for MarineDiesel USA Engines. Oliver Jones is a unmatched authority on Marine equipment and parts. Yachts & Diesel can answer your questions!

Engines, Parts, Generators and more...

941 S.W. 21st. Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL - 33315
Phone Numbers: (954) 584-0042 - (954) 646-7131 - Fax: (954) 584-6684

Please let them know you found them on www.BoatHelpers.com

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