specialize in fiberglass, metalflake, and gel coat repairs
on any size boat or RV. Our shop is conveniently located off
I-35 between Dallas and Oklahoma City; and we have four mobile
units fully equipped to handle any job, anywhere! We are the
first choice of marinas, dealers and insurance companies!
Gel Coating, Repairs and more... |
Exit 24 Lake Murray,
Ardmore, OK - 73453
Phone Numbers (580) 220-9500 - (580)
223-9501 - Fax (580) 657-8806
1985, we've built every trailer with a specific boat and customer
in mind. We manufacture only aluminum trailers and our trailers
come with a 3 Year Warranty. Buy Factory Direct and save $100's.
Our Parts Dept. carries a wide range of parts for all makes
and models and our Service Dept can handle any repairs you may
need. |
Boat Dealers, Parts, Repairs and more... |
NE 16th Avenue, Bay C2, North Miami Beach, FL - 33179
Phone Number (305) 653-0041
Fax Number (305) 653-0047
Marine Parts Express is North America’s largest Volvo Penta
Dealer. Schematic diagrams of every Volvo Penta and Mercruiser
engine produced. Free UPS ground shipping on most orders over
$100 to the continental US. Our “ONE LIST” is a parts list designed
specifically for your engine. Call us or order online. |
Electronics, Engines, Generators, Parts, Repairs, Propellers
and more... |
Dodge Road, Edgecomb, ME
- 04556
Phone Numbers (877) 621-2628
- (207) 882-6165 - Fax
(207) 882-9865
Propellers, Repairs w/Hale MRI, Shafts, Shaft ReCon, Rudders,
Struts, Spurs, PSS Shaft Seals, Drivesavers. Auth. Dist. for
"Michigan Wheel", "Federal", "ACME", "Martec" and "Max-Prop".
Dealer for "OMC","Mercury" and "Volvo-Penta". Sierra & Mercury
Engine Parts, "Godfrey" & "Camp Zincs". Over 4,000 props in
stock. Call for a Quote!
Engine / Engine Parts, Metal Fabrication, Repairs and more... |
Apollo Eleven Road,
Plymouth, MA - 02360
Phone Numbers: (800)
635-9504 - (508) 747-6666 - Fax: (508) 746-8804